Tuesday, December 29, 2009

L'inventaire Fantôme

Brilijantni francuski animirani/kratki film koji koristi tehnike stop-motion-a i digitalne obrade da vam dochara tajne jedne zaista zanimljive kolekcije stvari koje niko vishe ne zzeli.


A collection agent meets his match in The Phantom Inventory, a stop-motion armature short from the aptly named Les Armateurs studio under the direction of Franck Dion. In this supernatural chiller akin to Wilde’s Portrait of Dorian Gray, the display of unchained imagination is complemented by the filmmakers’ own liberation in their mixing of analogue and digital techniques.

The story concerns a bailiff from the Debt Collection Ministry and an afternoon appointment that doesn’t go as planned. The setting, though unspecified, is probably Paris in the 1920s. The debt collector takes a long elevator ride to reach his quarry, a wizened, wheelchair-bound apartment dweller named Albert from whom there is nothing, at first glance, to collect. The gaunt, tall, crimson-suited bureaucrat asks the man exactly what he collects. “Memories, sir,” Albert replies, “memories that no one wants anymore.” A quick tour through empty rooms leads to the discovery of a secret door, opening on a grand hall of tall ornamental shelves stuffed silly with other people’s tchotchkes...


At December 30, 2009 at 10:44 AM , Blogger Стефан Јањић said...

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