Sunday, January 10, 2010

Underwater Museum

Mexico has announced plans to build the largest underwater museum in the world, with around 400 figures made of concrete submerged in the Caribbean sea, near Cancun. The goal? Protecting the regions coral reefs.

The Sculpture Underwater Museum will be located at the Parque Nacional Costa Occidental, which is located around Mujeres Island, Punta Cancun and Punta Nizuc. This area receives around 290 thousand tourists a year, which bring lots of economic wealth but add a lot of pressure to the region’s natural resources.


According to the designer, Jason de Caires Taylor, the idea is to drive tourist attention from the Mexican Caribbean sea’s coral reefs onto the newly created museum….







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At February 16, 2011 at 9:37 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

awesome pics!!


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